Level 2/ 39-41 Parramatta Rd, Lidcombe NSW 2141

Occupational therapy aims to enable and support you to participate in everyday life. Our occupational therapists do this through therapy sessions based around your goals, and by working with you and your community to modify your environment or occupation. Initial assessments are done in order of priority but generally completed within seven days with the report to follow shortly after.
Types of assessments or treatments carried out by
our occupational therapists include:
Equipment request and/or Training
Home Modification Assessment
Assistive Device Request
Dexterity Training and Upper Limb Rehabilitation
Vehicle Modifications and Driving Assessments
Assessment of Personal Support Needs (Personal Care)
Coordinating Respite Care
Housing Assessments for Participants Requiring Specialist Disability Accommodation
Transport Assistance
Orientation and Mobility Training
Supported Employment Evaluation and Training Services
Interventions Designed to Help Children Reach Their Developmental Goals, such as Play-Based Therapy
Whole-Of-Life Personal Planning